Quiet and Longing


Time and again, it has been talked about how silence is not a reflection of someone’s cognitive or emotional capabilities. It is kind of its own mental state. Some choose it voluntarily, while for some others, it is a gift.

The little bird here is a ‘Swallow’ whom I found perched up at the very edge of a tree, all alone. A bunch of her kind were fishing by the water, flowing in and out, glancing invitations at her to join along. But, she barely moved. A beautiful sunny morning that it was, it appeared as though she just really wanted to be there, which is quite distinctive to swallows, who are a hole-nesting kind. A couple of joggers passed by and with them an equally enthusiastic group of dogs followed along. The swallow just kind of looked down, saw them out out of her sight, and went back to her mental space of tranquility. I certainly am no behavioural psychologist to break it down what exactly these behavioural patterns mean. But, it just got me wondering, if we humans aren't averse to savour tranquility, why should they not be?


Life in Pairs


Man vs Wild